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Happy St. Patty's Day... Let's Get Ready to Stumble!!!!

+4 HS
Keyser Soze's picture
March 17, 2024 at 3:32pm

I hope everyone is going to have a fantastic day and is able to imbibe with friends and family on my favorite day of the year after Christmas and the first saturday of our Buckeye football season!

I wanted to introduce all of my Buckeye brothers and sisters to a life changing St. Patty's Day shot if you have never tried it before today. It's called an Irish Breakfast Shot and it has been a staple on SPD since I learned of it 10 years ago.

you need Jamison, butterscotch schnapps, orange juice and bacon. My wife and I don't mess around so we do 1.5 ounces of Jamo 1.5 ounces of Butterscotch Schnapps in a whiskey glass and then a side glass of 2 oz OJ. most recipes call for 1 oz of each. let it be a gametime decision for you. Also half a slice of bacon will do if you are in a pinch and don't have enough cooked.

Drink the shot, chase with the OJ and eat the bacon.... in that order and you feel just like you ate a pancake breakfast. some recipes call to shake with ice and strain. don't do this because it waters it down and ruins the effect. kind of like drinking 18 year old Macallan on the rocks with water in it, but not that extreme.


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