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Anything Else Forum

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What is "normal" for You Now?

+11 HS
Blackcoffee's picture
November 17, 2020 at 4:06am

I have been an expat for almost 14 years. Can't say with any certainty I figured "normal" into my life since arriving in the Middleeast. Theres a cafe at the bottom of the hill I live on, I go there now for 8 years, rain, shine, whatev. They open for carryout service now. I drove down the hill last week, rolled into the cafe and had a memory of being there a few years back, a rainy night, with my old ubuntus OS laptop, all set to use their wifi to get an illegal stream of Ohio State playing Dayton in the tourney. Sat outside in drizzling rain futiley trying to watch Amir Williams standing flat footed under the basket. Normal. Not a great memory, but for a moment it was a memory of a time when things were "normal". Abyssmal, but Amir standing flat footed was normal. What things bring you back to normal in this upside down world? I am sure many here will feel some sense of normalcy after the Buckeyes punk Indiana on Saturday.

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