Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

OSU: The Football Mill - Evidence?

-1 HS
ziplock007's picture
April 27, 2020 at 5:48pm

Most of us know the story.  During the summer, of '98 Katzenmoyer aced his summer slate (Aids Awareness, Music Appreciation, & Golf) to re-attain eligibility.  Incensed by this sullying of the sanctity that is the student-athlete, CFB's unofficial Grandfather (at the time), Joe Paterno, called OSU a 'football mill.'

The gales of CFB have taken a new course.
Nowadays, if a B1G coach were to refer to OSU, (or Clemson, Bama, or LSU) as an NFL mill, it would double as a compliment.  But, there was a time the media protected the delusions of student-athlete uber alles.  When discounted tattoos were deemed criminal... Even CFB's grandfather we endearingly called JoePa (again, at the time) suspended Curtis Enis from the '98 Citrus Bowl for accepting a $400 suit.


At least that's the story I've heard.  I can't find a single link ANYWHERE where Paterno calls OSU a 'football mill.'  Yes, I've tried google.

Can anyone find a link to a late 90's story where Paterno actually slighted OSU by labeling them the mill?  I'd love to see the original story by the late 90's CFB media.

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