Beginning with message board reports early this morning, news began to leak out that incoming Ohio State defensive end Jamel Turner had been shot a second time in the past 3 months. Turner is said to presently be in a Youngstown hospital and in critical condition. Reports out of WKBN in Youngstown are that the 17-year old female with Turner was killed at the scene. Police believe the suspect is still at-large.
Obviously our thoughts and best wishes are with all the victims of this tragedy. Sources familiar with the situation told Eleven Warriors Saturday that contrary to some conclusions folks have jumped to, Turner was in fact a good kid who had family who ran in some rough circles. Turner even lived with a coach this past season to try and avoid many of the social pitfalls that plagued him earlier in life but seemingly found his way back into difficult situations whenever he was reunited with family.
We'll keep you posted as the story develops.
(H/T Lori Schmidt on the WKBN report)
UPDATE: More details from a source close to Turner. The shooter evidently went through a window before confronting the young woman and ultimately opening fire. Turner called 911 after being struck 5 times and is presently on life support. Turner was said to have a summer job lined up in Columbus and planned to move down to campus shortly. Our continued thoughts with everyone effected.
UPDATE II: Jim Tressel released the following statement Saturday night:

"I'm so sad to hear of Jamel's misfortune. I have not communicated with Jamel, but am certainly praying for him at this time."UPDATE III: The venerable Ken Gordon has the news we've all waiting to hear:

Keep fighting, Jamel. A reminder that this young man is a human being on the precipice of losing his life. While your sociological psychology theorems are probably appreciated in some circles, this couldn't be a less appropriate time nor could this be any more inappropriate of a forum for them.