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Off Topic: (Somewhat) Weird and Quirky Things That Time Up With a Solar Eclipse…

+6 HS
VintonCountyBuck's picture
April 6, 2024 at 3:14pm

We were recently told on Friday afternoon, through a group chat online, that our work is planning on allowing for us to take the last half hour of our day on Monday and go outside to view the upcoming eclipse.

This had me wondering if any of the other businesses around the state had similar ideas so I began to research a little out of curiosity..

One search just so happened to return an 84 song, 5 hr 36 minute playlist from the State of New York that you can listen to while waiting for it to occur.

Then yet another one which was posted on Redditt claims that by starting Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon at exactly 2:32:54pm on Monday afternoon, it will time up the lyrics, “And everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon”, when totality occurs.

 This actually had me wonder if anyone else happened to have any other slightly quirky, perhaps even odd ways in which they might know of to pass the time, while waiting on this eclipse and perhaps even make it more enjoyable.  I’m not really sure what to make of everybody around here making such a big deal about it, to be honest.. But I still figure that I’ll at least try to take advantage of it.  And hopefully tie on a good one..


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