Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

OT: All-time OSU O-line vs D-line. Who Wins?

+9 HS
milhouse4588's picture
May 22, 2024 at 3:40pm

I personally love these mental exercises and discussions that result so figured this would be a fun one:

If there was a matchup of an Offensive Line made up of OSU's best lineman at each position vs. a Defensive Line made up of OSU's all-time best linemen at each position, who would win?

For the sake of the discussion I'll put together an initial roster on each side, but can be adjusted as we discuss:

O-line: Orlando Pace, Jim Lachey, Nick Mangold, Jim Parker, PJJ (moving him to RT).

D-line: Chase Young, Joey Bosa, Nick Bosa, Big Daddy Wilkinson, Hankins

These lineups are subjective and I know I have 5 DL, but I wanted to have the same number of guys for each.


If you put these two lines on the field against each other on the field, who is coming out more successful?

If I had to choose I'm choosing the DL. I think the O-line has an advantage in the run game simply due to Orlando Pace being the best lineman out of all of these guys, but in this day and age you're passing the ball almost half the time and nobody is stopping that pass rush.

What say you?

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