Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Noah Ruggles and “icing the Kicker”

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USAFBuckeye80's picture
January 1, 2023 at 8:27am

I know most of you have watched a lot  football and are familiar with the opposing team calling a timeout to “ice” the kicker during a game ending field goal. But I observed something last night that the kicking team should probably do more of and that’s to call a timeout but instruct the long snapper to still snap it so that the kicker could get a practice kick in, so that he can remove the nerves. 

The tv cameras did a close up of Ruggles’s face when Georgia called their time out and he looked SCARED. When I saw his face I was like “oh, he is going to miss this badly!” He didn’t seem confident at all. 

We had one timeout so maybe letting him get a practice kick in would have removed the nerves and let him get a do over. Maybe it wouldn’t mattered, but I think it would be a good practice.

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