Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Something Special in Columbus

+20 HS
BrewstersMillions's picture
September 17, 2020 at 7:00pm

Think about what we saw these last few days.

Two near lock, possible top fifteen picks decided in a super weird season they wanted to come back and be a part of something for one more year when everyone in the world would have gotten it if they decided to pass on 2020.

When Urban was let go I was happy because I felt he had outlived his utility to Ohio State. The high strung helicopter parent style he employed while effective had a shelf life and we saw the effect the game had on him. We traded a bright burn for a short (ish) burn.

Ryan Day has come to OSU and he's changed things. This isn't an indictment of Meyer per se and his fingerprints are still all over this program but there is something special going on in Columbus and I have to think the culture Day has fostered has made this possible.

It's always a good day to be a Buckeye but today, even in this awful crazy bullshit year, today is a great day to be a Buckeye.

Shawn Wade and Wyatt Davis are going to be millionaires whether they played this season or not but the fact that they could have reasonably and understandably walked away and didn't tells me what I need to know about Ryan Day and this version of Ohio State.

Oh and the rest of the Big Ten and the nation is absolutely screwed. Strap in, college football. There is a freight train coming down the tracks

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