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My Son is in the Battle of His Life

+99 HS
Abuckeye15's picture
August 9, 2023 at 2:53pm

All, I have been on the boards for a long time and consider a lot of you guys and gals as friends, Buckeye Brothers/Sisters and group therapy colleagues.  Especially the long timers like the Mods (who I generally just serial up vote, because it’s a lousy job that you do great) and Ramzy (my brother from another mother).  My wife and I were devastated recently when we were informed that my son is facing a battle with Ewing Sarcoma.  It’s a rare bone cancer that affects mostly young children and adolescents.  It is shocking how quickly this has spread, as we were just in Columbus for the Spring Game and the 4miler with my father.  I am so happy my son and father were able to be there with me, now that memory means more than ever.  Fortunately, we are blessed to have a great and supportive family, friends, and neighbors to keep our heads and hearts high.  I wanted to share his story here and ask if you have some time, to read it.  If you’re able to contribute, our family could never thank you enough, but we will sure try to.  And if you’re not able to contribute, please consider sharing it on social media, as any mention of his fight is extremely helpful in our fight against Cancer. 

Thank you for being great Buckeyes and I appreciate any help you can provide.  I will still be on the boards as it’s a place I can come and soak in all things OSU with you awesome people.  Take care, hug your loved ones, and Go Bucks!!


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