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NFL is Becoming a Poor Viewing Product

+19 HS
johnblairgobucks's picture
December 25, 2022 at 2:03pm

1. Way too many commercial breaks and reviews. I don't feel I'm watching a game, with all the interuptions it feels more like a practice session that counts in the standings.
2. Inconsistent penalty enforcement:. Pass interference calls and calls that should be made are often a joke. I'm currently watching Miami Dolphins DB's grab jersey and arms on the WR, but no call. It's bullshit.
3. Besides the QB position, every team seems similar, running similar plays....besides the Cleveland Browns(they aren't professional). If you took the Green Bay team switched QB and jerseys with Minnesota Vikings, I wouldn't know the difference. It's overall bland, to me.
It's a QB league, and I'm not captivated by any $20mill/year QB's play to care if they win or lose. I like Burrow and Fields as they are Buckeyes, but they are rich and will be just fine, win or lose...
I'm struggling to find a reason to watch the NFL, other than it's football.
I watched a local small school high school football team go 12-2 and play 4 playoff games, this fall, and it was far more entertaining/compelling than any NFL season I've tried watching in the past 2 decades.
Any advice on developing a card for the NFL?

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