While many of you are upset over the recent events that have occurred regarding OSU recruit Jamel Turner, we had a chance to sit down with him just two days before the shooting incident.
While it is easy to put Turner in the "thug" category, if you actually speak to him you can tell he does not want to live that life and really can use the support system that exists at Ohio State to create a better life for himself. It's hard to defend that statement with the recent details that have emerged from this weekend's shooting incident, but if you read our interview with Turner, you can perhaps see some reason to root for this kid to be a success.
His fate at Ohio State is in the hands of Jim Tressel now and whether he will ever be a Buckeye is yet to be determined, but either way, the staff here at 11W is rooting for Jamel Turner to turn his life around no matter what the future holds for him.
Now that you've signed your Letter of Intent, how does it feel to officially be a Buckeye?It’s a dream come true, but its not the end of the road.What is the plan of action now to get you to OSU on time?
Well we've calculated some things that have to go on, and there’s no guarantee I’ll be there on time. The most important thing right now is getting my diploma.
Fighting through adversity usually makes any young man stronger in the end (like Eddie George, Cris Carter, etc.). What have you learned from your situation and how do you plan to move forward in the future with those lessons?
I mean sometimes you have to make mistakes to learn and that’s just life. I feel that I've learned more than most young men and, that in a way, it puts me at an advantage over others.
Getting to the on-field stuff, what do you feel your strengths are as a player? What do you feel you need to work on before you get to Columbus?
Well I think of myself as a smart and fast player. I think I need to work on the change to college football more than anything. I mean I’m sure it’s going to be tough, but only the strong survive.
You have great potential at either DE or LB. What position will you play at OSU?
I hope to play linebacker but even if Tressel says play center than believe I’m going to play that position with all of my heart.
You and Carlos Hyde both played at Fork Union this fall. What kind of relationship do you two have and how will that help you at OSU?
Carlos and I are real good friends and he’s a really good person and player, but in order to have success on the field, I think you have to have a whole team connection, or at least when its game time.
Do you know what you will study at OSU yet? Who will you room with?
I plan on studying in the arts area, and I’m not sure who I’m rooming with yet.
What current/former NFL player can your skill set be compared to? What current/former college player do your skills compare to?
NFL players are elite. I feel if you need a role model to teach you how to function then you’ve failed already.
If you could tell Buckeye Nation one thing, what would it be?Well don’t count me out, but count on me because I’m hungry and I want it. I won’t fail the Buckeye Nation.