If you have to hear bad news, it's better to hear it from family. That's why it's our duty to report the fact that Buckeye coach Jim Tressel is a Celine Dion fan. Yep, you heard that correct. We figured it should come from us instead of those snarky fools from up North.
The Vest's response to a question posed to him during his weekly press conference yesterday about whether it was fair to fans to have to pay the same ticket price for a I-AA team that they do for regular Big Ten opponents:
"Do I think it's fair? Yeah, I think it's fair. I've been to a couple concerts and things like that and our tickets are very reasonable. I was out in Vegas to speak at a Nike clinic and Ellen and I went to see Celine Dion, I don't know, or whatever, and it was like $200. You can go to three Ohio State games. And I knew the words to the song. At least when you go to the game you don't know what's going to happen, so do I think it's a problem? No. And remember this about Ohio State football, it's about the band. It's about the pageantry, it's about the tailgating. If we're silly enough to think it's just about us, then we're a little bit short-sighted. So I guess the answer to the question is, no, I don't think it's unfair."
If it's any consolation, he did take the stage with Ludacris last year.