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Hall Across the Country...Three Weeks Out!

+18 HS
IamJoeHall's picture
April 24, 2024 at 11:28pm

What's going on guys?  Been a while, I know you've missed me.  Its been a hectic last few months.  Not sure if I mentioned it before, but Hall Across the Country is now an approved 501c3 nonprofit organization, so that is something I am both proud of, and have been overwhelmed with.

Three weeks until this next adventure begins, we have been applying for grants (thanks to the help of a member of a Facebook group I am in who does it as a profession) to assist in funding the walk, and I have been trying to get out to area businesses to get donations.

I reached out to multiple shoe, camping gear, and stroller companies with zero success.  Which I expected, if we had a bigger footprint it'd be a little more appealing to potential donors, so I am not letting it get me down too much.

Two weeks ago I lost a coworker, and friend to suicide.  Huge Buckeye bball fan.  He never didn't have a smile on his face. 64 years old and seemingly out of the blue. He was a cancer survivor, and survived a horrific car accident a year ago.  He left a note for his sisters but no one has mentioned anything as to a "why", and I think that has been one of the hardest things for me to come to grips with.  Some of us assumed that perhaps his cancer had come back, because he'd stated that he simply didn't have it in him for more chemo, and that may have led to it, but it's pure conjecture.  I've known him for almost eleven years and I will definitely miss him.

We have finally finished the website, and man for a while I struggled with putting it together, but it's a passable, working website so...yay for me I guess lol.

So feel free to visit and peruse.  I have set up the first guest for our podcast and am hoping to sit down with him in the next couple days and get it shot and uploaded, at which time I will add linkage to the Podcast to the website.

The next three weeks will be a careful balance of getting my walking legs back under me a bit, attempting to fundraise (which I suck at because I am a dogshit salesman) and prepping for the walk.

Just remember if you haven't yet, you can visit, and pick up a bitchin' Hall Across the Country t-shirt, hoodie, or crew neck!  All the cool kids are doing it, so you should too.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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