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Anyone Using The NVIDIA Shield TV Pro To Play Games?

+4 HS
tcm1968's picture
January 15, 2020 at 3:19pm

Lately going down memory lane I have wanted to start playing some old video games. Wish I had kept the systems but I didn't and have just started looking into getting some of them again. First one I started looking at getting is the Nintendo 64 but once you get the console and a few games and some controllers and a way to convert to a modern tv you easily get into the $200+ range. 

I keep seeing people pointing to setups like the NVIDIA Shield TV Pro as a way to emulate the old stuff and play on the TV. I don't want to play on a laptop or computer, want to play on a TV.

Anyone doing this? Easy to setup? Preferred controller to play games with?

Big thanks in advance!

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