Anything Else Forum

Anything Else Forum

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Timing Is Everything, and my timing stinks.

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Oyster's picture
February 19, 2016 at 6:17am

I made beef jerky last weekend, and it actually takes all weekend.  You start on Friday afternoon and every 3 hours or so you are either rotating trays or adding new meat to replace what is done.  This also means that you are up every few hours all night too.  I usually just stay on the couch so I don't wake up my wife and have the TV on in the background.  Anyway, the jerky is done and it was a productive weekend.  Here is where the timing comes in, I see last night that DirecTV is having a free HBO and Cinemax weekend, which we all know turns into Skinemax at midnight.  One weekend too early.  My timing sucks.  

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