Anything Else Forum

Anything Else Forum

Offtopicland. Remember: no politics, religion, or hot-button social issues.


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creekman's picture
February 7, 2016 at 9:08am

I recently bought a new truck and gave my oldest daughter my 04 Honda CRV.  Has about 165k miles, in very good mechanical shape, body has dings and dents...but still very clean, very, very little rust.

Both of my daughters are responsible for paying the car insurance.  All three of our cars have 250/500 Liability and same UIM coverage.   For the CRV, would you also carry collision and comp?   KBB lists the value of the CRV at about 4400.00.  Comp/Collision for her is $167 every 6 months.

I have always fully insured our vehicles, but it wont take much of an accident for the insurance total the vehicle.   She goes to school full time, and also works.  If I drop the coverage, saves her about $30/month, which is significant cor a college kid.

I am gun shy of removing coverages (due to a 7 year lawsuit I was involved with...thats a freaking wild story, for another time)


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