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Tuesday Ramblings and Beer of the Week

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YTOWNBUCKI's picture
September 22, 2015 at 8:28am

It’s Tuesday and I still don’t know who my starting quarterback is.  I think Urban might know who his is, though.

Some Ramblings

The DC meet up was this weekend and it was as expected.  A few folks showed up and I proceeded to drink too much.  Watching the game definitely assisted in my drinking more than normal.  It was also canned Bud Light so it was like drinking water.

Did anyone else find it ironic that on a day where Ohio State honors Jim Tressel they also happened to win in the most Tressel-ball kind of way?  I mean, seriously, only a Tressel coached team houses an INT to beat a MAC school by 7.  The Silver Bullets are back and if they keep this up it won’t much matter what the offense does.

I’ve avoided the site like the plague during game days.  While there is some amount of positivity it is overzealous and then the bashing begins and it just makes me wanna snap.  I may test out the ‘ol Premium Lounge this weekend though.   I hear things stay even-keel around those parts.

My { Boss }, or the guy in charge of me anyway, has been trying to stick me in the middle of he and someone else to get this guy fired.  I’m not one for bullshit mind games and ratting people out so I’ve basically painted this other guy to be a saint.  In return he has been feeding my bosses nothing but compliments about me.  I can’t wait to see what happens in the coming weeks.

Beer of the Week

I didn’t put a whole lot of thought into this week’s beer.  Hell, I rarely put any thought into the entire post.  That’s why is called Ramblings, bros.  I digress.

This week I’m going with Shocktop Honeycrisp Apple.  It’s a fruity beer but for some reason it has an autumn like flavor to it.  Get a sixer and enjoy it since it’s only 6 or 7 bucks.

For cider fans, please try the Woodchuck Fall Harvest edition.  It’s spiced with nutmeg and other various awesomeness and is only seasonal, of course.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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