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A Case Study on the Cleveland Browns QB Move.

+5 HS
Todd-Not Boeckmann's picture
March 20, 2022 at 9:45pm

That other thread is so huge, I thought it would be time for a new one.  I have refrained from opining yet, despite being a long time season ticket holder until they moved to Baltimore and a life long fan.

First some personal observations.  When the news broke that the Browns had traded for him, I got nauseous.  Married and with two daughters, I have always taken a dim view on sexual abuse of any kind.  yes, the grand jury failed to issue a bill of indictment.  But that is not a judgement of innocence.  I've been around long enough to know that 2 or 3 women can conspire to wreak a guy's life with false allegations.  22?  Most of whom don't know each other.  The guy is some kind of creep and I'm disgusted with the Browns.

However, the Browns franchise's historical face was a serial woman abuser.  The Raven's greatest LB and face of their early greatness skated on a triple murder.  The Falcons were willing to look the other way on terrible animal abuse until the outcry became untenable.  There are 32 franchises with approximately 60 players each.  That's almost 2000 players.  Within that group, its unrealistic to think that there aren't any psychopaths, sociopaths and just plain douchebags.  I know this and have always known this.  But until today, I just ignored it.  But really, next December, when the Browns are 12-3 and pushing for a berth in the Super Bowl, will I care?  No.  Because its not like if the Browns didn't do this he would be ostracized.  Some other team would be cheering him on.  Its the nature of sports.  And I know that how I feel today will be buried in the need to be pragmatic in the Championship.  And if they were to win the Super Bowl, I might feel a little icky about it, but I won't give the championship back.

Here's the other thing.  There is an article in The Athletic (Pause for commmercial-The best subscription on the internet other than 12W) that talks about how the Browns had determined BEFORE the previous season started that they were ready to move on from Mayfield.  This team may be the heaviest in relying on Analytics of any team in the NFL.  Any Mayfield's DEEP ratings were consistently 25-28th of all QBs and the Browns knew that wasn't good enough.  That Baker's its all about me attitude had worn everyone out.  So, even before the injury gave him (and those of us looking to give him the benefit of the doubt) an out, he was Dead man walking to Andrew Berry.  

Andrew Berry is paid big bucks to build a winner, not a convent.  Taking the emotion out of it, I can at least come to terms with it.

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