Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

How is Arm Strength Measured?

+18 HS
buckeyegospel's picture
December 17, 2023 at 11:47pm

I keep reading arm strength but it's never defined? Is it distance alone? is it speed (like a good fast ball pitcher?) Is it a combination? Is there a way to measure the combination? So if a QB can throw a ball 60 yards and it gets there in x seconds vs a slower and shorter pass? Or is it simply distance? I imagine someone can throw a ball 80 yards but if it lacks speed?

Those that think I am stupid for asking  please don't post. I asked about the key differences between guards and tackles a few years ago and some of you were gracious and helped (longer arms on tackles- shorter lower center of gravity guards) so I did learn from that inquiry.

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