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The Actual Problems That Day Needs to Fix This Offseason

+1 HS
Spartan13's picture
November 26, 2023 at 4:13pm

There have been a lot of crazy criticisms of Day and the program. This is the list of actual things that needs changed. 

The real issue:

  • OSU is not a top 5 program under Ryan Day. OSU is 1-6 against top 5 teams since he has taken over. Day and the program do plenty of good but are clearly not great. 
  • At this point you fall into one of two categories. If you believe OSU is a top 5 program and should perform at that level then you are not satisfied with Day and his time should be running short. If you do not believe OSU is a top 5 program then you should be thrilled with what OSU has accomplished under Day.

What needs fixed to become top 5:

  • Parker Fleming-This is the easiest fix but also the most disappointing issue. OSU is the only serious P5 program that has a full time special teams assistant. OSU has the money to have a QC coach do this job but Day has decided he would rather reward Fleming with the spot. To further compound the issue Fleming doesnt recruit and is arguably the worst special teams coordinator in all of CFB. This was all known after last year and Day decided to extend him and give him a raise. Absolutley disgusting and inexcusable from Ryan Day. When you talk about soft this is clearly #1 on the list. Any coach with a winning mentality would not accept Fleming's performance let alone give him a raise. 
  • Dabo Disease-Ryan Day has very quietly done exactly what we all rip on Dabo for. He has filled the coaching staff with grad assistants who do not have experience in their roles. Brian Hartline, Corey Dennis, and Keenan Bailey have only coached at OSU. This leads to very predicatable issues. Schematically the entire offensive staff(except Frye) only knows what Day has taught them, if Day doesn't have an answer nobody else has the answer. Nobody else is able to contribute ideas because they have only learned from Day. Since Day took over in 2019 the exact same problems have existed, redzone offense, short yardage, and giving up sacks. It is absolute insanity for this to continue to happen for 5 years, but Day doesn't know how to fix it and nobody else on the staff has the knowledge to help him. Day needs somebody else to contribute.
  • Culture-Its a soft ass culture. I know most fans here say its not true. Every team OSU plays says it, former players say it, other coaches say it. We run jet sweeps on 4th and 1. We punt and kick 60 yard field goals on 4th and 1. We can't score in goal to go situations. Michigan hasnt had to punt in the second half against us since 2019. Georgia runs for 10 yards per carry on us. We are who we are. I dont know how you fix this, but its clear to anybody paying attention that its a problem. 
  • Strength and Conditioning-OSU has fallen behind here. Injuries can be luck and anecdotal. But its pretty clear we are doing something wrong. Other programs have hired doctors to run this part of the program and OSU has football guys like Marotti doing it. He needs help. You cant have entire position groups lost for the year, you cant have JSN getting reinjured over and over, you cant have random injuries pop up over practive that cause guys to lose months. This doesnt happen at other places. Day has made 0 effort to address this.
  • Transfer Portal-Many have tried to justify Day's approach but we are the only program too scared to use the portal. We are scared to make players mad, we are scared our players will leave. Bama, Georgia, Michigan, and everybody else but Clemson will do everything they can to go get starters. Michigan had multiple starters and depth pieces help lead the way against us. Igbinosun and Simmons walked in and took away CB and LT from the dudes on the roster. Day has slowly started to become more open but they need to be all in. We need a QB, multiple OL, and pieces in the secondary. Day can not be scared anymore. If players are scared to get their job taken by a transfer and leave then they shouldnt be starting here.
  • HC decision making-I think Day gets too much crap as an OC. He is generally pretty good. But HC decision making is abysmal. Settling for a 55 yard field goal to beat Georgia was a criminal decision. He learned nothing from it and did it again against Michigan. He routinely kicks on 4th and short situations. He coaches scared.

Its been 5 years and these issues should not be issues. Still we arent far from fixing them. Hopefully after failing for 5 straight years he finally makes the neccessary changes.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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