Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

THIS Team Up North, is Not THAT Team Up North!

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0H-10's picture
December 1, 2019 at 12:17pm

My OPINION: I submit that I long for the days when we faced That Team as rivals...respected enemies...and came out of the conflict with the Victory! THIS, for you younger folks, does not seem as satisfying. THIS is a grotesque mastery of the laughably weak; THIS is almost abusive- almost, but not quite. THAT was deeply satisfying, Justice prevailed, Good overcame evil; Scarlet & Gray stood tall against maiseybleu...for 360 days we rejoiced that right was right, and wrong was wrong, yet expecting & preparing for our well-respected and hated foe to come back next year and give us hell, yet again...or at least a respectable attempt! We got punched in the mouth every year...and won half as often, but it tasted so much sweeter because of the fight, and the conflict and the struggle, Sunshine!

THIS is not as satisfying as THAT! Even though we lost more often...occasional Lost battles made Winning the war more delicious. I hated Bo Schembechler but he was an honourable foe who fought us toe-to-toe- it was a slugfest! I laugh at Dave Brandon's Harbaugh's antics. THAT was a Valiant Foe who showed up Every. Time. THAT Tim Biakabutuka made me puke! THIS skunkweasel seemed to stop trying. THAT Wolverine beat us now and then; THIS one took our shoe and got caught. I despised THAT Team. I am ambivalent about THIS Team. THIS Team Up North, is not THAT Team UP North!

I have decided that I gain more satisfaction and sense of achievement when I occasionally get challenged and even lose...I am strengthened by resistance. What was it that galvanized the last National Championship team? Was it beating everyone by 30, or did the loss to VT or the painful loss of a teammate supply a deeper sense of value & family to the Team? Bitter turned sweet.

I prefer a challenging foe, to...whatever THIS is.

I hope THIS Team, becomes more like THAT Team.

Regardless, I hope we kick tail all the way to the Natty! I just wish THAT team was a more worthy foe again!


Beat Wisconsin!

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