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Hall Across the Country….has Returned!

+36 HS
IamJoeHall's picture
November 15, 2023 at 7:02am

I know y’all have missed my weekly check-ins as we come up on the year anniversary of the end of the walk. 

I’ve made the decision to go forward with establishing HATC as a nonprofit. Starting 5/15/24 the two year anniversary of the initial walk, I’ll hit the road again for 48 states. Hopefully meeting politicians along the way to talk about mental health in the areas they’re responsible for, as well as helping to encourage those who are also struggling to open up and talk. 

I hope to use HATC to connect people who have shared struggles to form communities to help those in need.


In the long run/big picture, I hope to get an RV and hopefully staff it with a therapist(s) or counselor(s) and drive the country providing services to those far away from them, or to those who can’t afford them.


Might end up falling flat on my face, but I just loaded the first of any of my friends to pass onto a hearse Monday, and it made me realize that time is short, and I’d rather try and fail, than sit around and when it’s my time wonder, “What If?”


If anyone has some insights or whatnot please let me know. 


Go Bucks! 

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