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Eddie Haskell: Buckeyes Fan?

+4 HS
Sonof'47alum's picture
December 15, 2021 at 8:57am

Feeling very wiped out and just stretched out on the couch, I found an old “Leave It To Beaver” rerun while channel surfing—and it was even better than chicken noodle soup. I know this might sound strange but I really do think the writing holds up all these decades later—even from an adult perspective.

In any case, one scene in the episode showed Eddie Haskell in his bedroom and, lo and behold, there was an Ohio State pennant clearly visible on his wall!

This episode was from the first season of the show, so perhaps the writers and producers were helping to establish the location of Mayfield, which seemed to be set in the Midwest.

On the other hand, maybe one of the writers/producers went to college in Ann Arbor and was trying to have a subtle dig at Ohio State fans.  I mean, it’s not a good thing to have Eddie Haskell seen as a Buckeyes fan, is it? Or maybe you feel that any publicity is good publicity as the old saying goes?

Personally, I would have preferred seeing the Ohio State pennant in the bedroom shared by Wally and the Beav.

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