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Eddie George on...Defense? An Amateur Broadway Review

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FalcotoyourMartel's picture
January 25, 2016 at 10:01am

Once New York City dug itself out from under 2 feet of snow, I got to see my favorite Buckeye running back on Broadway in Chicago. Eddie plays the greasy defense attorney Billy Flynn for all the murderous women of the Windy City during the Jazz age. This was also my first chance to see Chicago on stage and it was…ok.  It seemed to take a while to get started by once Eddie made his entrance it really got going.  Eddie seemed to know what he was doing, moving across the stage with ease and really enjoying the whole process. His dancing with the other actors seemed a bit controlled, like was trying not to hurt the dancers, which is understandable because he was more than twice as big as everyone else.  Oh by the way, he can sing! My only other exposure to the Billy Flynn character is Richard Gere’s version in the movie and I think Eddie definitely kept up with him.  The best review of Eddie’s performance I can give is after intermission I more or less forgot it was Eddie; until he showed off the Heisman pose.  Other than Eddie the show was lacking the pop of many other Broadway shows (I see as many as I can), however if you are a leg man there was plenty to enjoy.

All in all, I give Eddie a 150 yard performance. It was better than your average day but not nearly 314. 

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