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Just a bit of the old ultra thank yous

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Hovenaut's picture
August 29, 2014 at 7:14am

As we've reached the end of our most recent offseason of discontent (f you, torn labrums), I wanted to take a moment and offer up my sincere gratitude to the staff for all their efforts in keeping a pulse on all things Buckeye football - as well as providing news on all things OSU athletics. 

I'm excited for the upcoming season, and cannot put into words how important 11W is for me. Since I'm about 400 miles away from Columbus, and a few miles more from my birth turf in NW Ohio, it's sufficient to say I've relied on family, journalism and social media to get my Buckeye fix. The site has opened a new world for me, and aside from getting my sorry ass to a football game one of these days, I'm living my Buckeye fandom vicariously through Eleven Warriors. 

I see the gratitude expressed often enough, the site goes as the commentariat does, and Eleven Warriors has the finest damn bunch in the land. But again I just wanted to stop and take a moment to salute all involved and/or participate here - it's great to always be a Buckeye, and it's even better to be a Buckeye on Eleven Warriors. 

So here's to the recent past, to today, and to (what I hope should be) a very good future. Cheers (if I ever get that friggin' Premium Lounge tab straightened out, first drinks are on me)!

Go Buckeyes!

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