Ohio State Recruiting Forum

Ohio State Recruiting Forum

OSU football and basketball recruiting fan talk.

People Being Weird to Decommitted Recruits-a Personal Story

+27 HS
BrewstersMillions's picture
November 15, 2021 at 8:56am

A couple of disclaimers here- I have never nor will never be recruited by a major college program.

I have been and will frequently be recruited by other companies. Last week, I heard and verbally accepted an offer from another company but after taking the weekend (and before making it official) I decided to not accept.

In the two hours since I have declined the offer, the head of HR, CEO of the company, and my main POC have all called me to essentially harass me and berate me for not accepting their offer. Without getting too far into it-I am apparently making a massive mistake. To make matters worse, the HR contact has already sent a LinkedIn message to four people at my current company.

Now I don't go looking for new jobs without understanding the risk but this is something else....

What does this have to do with College Football? I saw Domani Jackson decomitted to USC and as expected, he's getting his fair share of heat for doing it. I am not a top-flight recruit, but I now know what it feels like to be attacked by a group of people that feel my decision slighted them and I'm a grown-ass man, not an 18-year-old kid.

The moral of the story? Don't be a dickhead to someone who tells your organization no.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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