Caveat: I am not a football coach. Just a fan who watches way too much football. If you ARE a football coach and think this idea is dumb, please help me out and explain why. Back in September, I posted the following, and I still believe it's the right thing to do ... even more so now that our offensive line is depleted.
A QB very rarely has time to find a fourth or even third guy in the pattern, much less a fifth (yes, I know, some guys are in the pattern just to clear out defenders). I would much prefer we do more four-guys-in-the-pattern with an RB staying in to pick up a pass rusher (often after play-action), rather than lots of five wide.
Or run four wide plus an in-line tight end focused on chipping a DE to slow him down, then leaking out as a safety valve.
On 95% of pass plays, I think there is more value in having player #11 be a sixth blocker first and foremost.
If you recruited the best receivers in the country, why not provide an extra 0.7 seconds of clean pocket to let them burn people?