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Did the Staff Simply Get the O-line Wrong in 2023? Or Was It the Best They Could Do?

+3 HS
ShawneeBuck74's picture
November 27, 2023 at 4:12pm

Starting 2023 Line:

LT - Simmons (never started a game there before)

LG - Jackson (mystifyingly below average this year)

C - Hinzman (don't think he was recruited as a Center; first year/young player)

RG - Jones (6th year senior, solid guard, was the best Center prospect in his class)

RT - Fryar (really is built to be a guard) 

Could it have been better?

LT - Simmons (most likely)

LG - Jackson 

C - Jones

RG - Tegra/Enokk

RT - Fryar 

Maybe the coaches thought having 2 experienced guards would protect both  rookie tackles AND the rookie center?

It's INSANE to me that we didn't land another ELITE tackle prospect in the portal in Winter/Spring. 

Next year's line could look like this:  

LT - Montgomery (that he broke into the two deep his first Spring here says something)

LG - Fryar (should be a guard, putting him here for his experience to help Monty)

C - Hinzman (now has a year under his belt, needs to et stroner)

R - Tegra (mauler, moves  well, big...putting him here next to experienced Simmons)

RT - Simmons (what he played before LT, needs to get stronger) 


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