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ESPN vs. FOX Video and Audio (Minus the Personalities)

+5 HS
BuckShotGinn's picture
January 11, 2025 at 12:07pm

I don't know if it's just me but ESPN's video production value is ahead of FOX's by a good bit.  

There were times in some of the FOX's broadcasts where the cameras and announcers were out of sync with the play. 

Also FOX lagged terribly with tracking penalties.  You'd see a great play and think all is well only to find out almost a minute later that a penalty was called.

Too many FOX interviews or personal interest stories caused missing active plays as well.

Also ESPN's audio was much clearer for the players on the ground.   Replay, highlights, etc. were just a notch above in my opinion.

But you still have Herbie, Desmond and the other clowns, so there's that.

Hopefully FOX will up their game in the future or CBS picks up the slack.


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