Skull Session: Intramural Sports Won't Be Played, Students Get Suspended For Parties They Didn't Attend, and Joey Bosa Remembers Why He Committed to Ohio State

By Kevin Harrish on August 26, 2020 at 4:59 am
Our honor defends in today's skull session.

Same, Joey.

Word of the Day: Desiccant.

 PITCHFORKS DOWN, FOLKS. There are many, many things to get mad online about these days, but I'm pleased to inform you that we can cross one thing off the list.

Despite what you've undoubtedly read online the past couple of days, Ohio State will not actually be allowing Intramural sports to be played this semester.

This, of course, follows the viral social media posts that seemed to indicate that intramural sports would be played, but would simply require a waiver – which would have been understandably infuriating, given that the actual college football season can't be played that way.

I don't know if it's more troubling that it was entirely believable that intramural football would would still be played with fall varsity sports canceled, or that someone is generating fake outrage online for internet clout.

 YOU GOT THE WRONG GUY! Ohio State is doing its damndest to keep kids from partying and spreading the Very Bad Virus, but it seems their efforts are just a bitttttttttt heavy-handed and clunky.

See, they're out here suspending kids for parties they didn't even come close to attending.

In the email was a link to an official letter informing him he was placed under interim suspension because he hosted a large gathering at his house on East Frambes Avenue. 

But Pitts doesn’t live on East Frambes Avenue anymore, and he didn’t throw a party there, either.

“It was on Thursday, Aug. 20, and I had work the next day at 7:30 [a.m.], so I was sound asleep in my apartment,” Pitts, a fourth-year in operations and logistics management, said. He currently lives in an apartment complex on High Street.


Virginia Pajor, a fourth-year in hospitality management, said that she and another one of her five roommates were suspended after her next-door neighbors held a gathering of about 25 people on the front porch of their duplex on East Woodruff Avenue Thursday. Pajor said her neighbors invited her and two other roommates to join the gathering, but they declined the offer and remained indoors. Her other two roommates were not home that night.


Pajor received her suspension letter from Student Conduct Saturday. She was given a contact for the office whom she reached out to in order to plead her case. 

“I’m basically not allowed on campus. I can’t go to in-person classes — can’t use any of the facilities,” Pajor said. “I’m suspended from all of my student organizations until my case is resolved, whatever that means.”

I'm not an expert on student disciplinary action (granted, neither is anyone at The Ohio State University, it appears), but it seems the best course of action here would be to employ our nation's tried-and-true innocent until proven guilty approach.

Suspending kids and then making *them* prove that they shouldn't be suspended is backward as hell. And you can damn sure the students aren't going to get a tuition reimbursement for the time they were unjustly suspended by the school's broke-ass algorithm. Thieves.

 HOW TO LAND A BIG BEAR. Joey Bosa is pretty candid about the reason he ended up at Ohio State, and it rhymes with Turban Friar.

I will be eternally grateful for Urban Meyer dragging Ohio State – and by extension, the Big Ten – into modern college football recruiting. I still vividly remember Bert Bielema and Mark Dantonio crying about Meyer recruiting committed players a month after he was hired.

Imagine how that complaint would go over these days.

 BEST DAMN DEFENDER IN THE LAND. If you're an NFL team looking for the best defensive player in the draft, odds are you should turn your attention to Columbus, Ohio.

The funny thing is, the 2017 draft directly followed Ohio State's 2016 season, which will go down as one of the best Buckeye defenses in program history. Ohio State didn't have the top pick, but they had three defensive backs selected in the first round that year.

 THIS SEEMS BAD! Oklahoma's still preparing for a fall football season, but if things keep trending the way they've been, they might not be able to field a team.

It really does seem like the Big 12, SEC and ACC are going to give the season a real shot this season, but reading things like this doesn't make me all that optimistic about it working out too well.

 SONG OF THE DAY. "Suburban Home" by Descendants.

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