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I Did Something I Felt Was Right Today

+28 HS
airbuckeye's picture
November 5, 2023 at 1:09am

I did something I felt was right today but may come back to bite being have problems my self. But I was at WalMarts one my way out and saw a older disabled women on a handicap cart with her walker in it crying. So I ask her what was wrong and she told me somewere between the Bus Hub and Walmart she had lost her food stamp card and I talk to her for a few mintues and told her to stay right there and zi would be back in about 15 minutes. I came home and grab $150 and went right back and told her I had her covered up to $150. She did not want to take it but I told NO its ok because someone gave it to me to help and Im giving it to you to help you. And after she was done I told her I would drive her home she did not have to take the bus. She told me someone was coming to pick her up. And keep thanking me and hugging me. I told to make sure she calls Monday and reports the card missing. But it made me feel good to be able to be there to help her. When I was younger and had the money I use to do that all the time and it felt to be able to do it again. Thats the way my Mother raised me and my Sister.


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