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College Fantasy Football (need Some Members for Our League)

+1 HS
Olentangy Ballers 4 Life's picture
August 10, 2022 at 11:05pm

Hi, I am in a college fantasy football league. If you’ve never tried CFB fantasy, it’s a lot of fun.

Anyways, we need 4 more members to fill our 12-member league. If anyone is interested, please reply here, and I’ll give you the league invite.

(Details about this league) …

- it’s on Fantrax

- full FBS/all 131 teams

- full 1 point PPR

- this is a BEST BALL league (just pick your roster, and you don’t need to make weekly transactions)

- this is a SLOW DRAFT (hours to make the picks, so you can pick at your convenience; the system will email when it’s your turn). The draft is (tentatively) schedule to start next Tuesday (8/16)

- roster makeup is (your best) 2 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 2 Flex, 1 D  

- we use the FanTrax Treasurer system to accept payments, and to dole out prize money

- $100 entry

- 100% payout: $700 to 1st place; $400 to 2nd place; $100 to 3rd place


Here is the automatic join-in link, (payment due upon entry) …


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