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Upcoming UFO (UAP) Report from Our Govt

+22 HS
knot stewpid's picture
May 21, 2021 at 12:27pm

Anyone care to take a guess what is going to be released when the report drops in June? I personally think it's not going to reveal much. I think what most people have been seeing over the years is top secret military technology (not saying it is all ours). 

I personally saw a UFO (along with several other people) back in the late 70's in Ohio (Fairfield county). We actually brought out a telescope and looked at it for a good 10 minutes or so. I remember it was reported in the local paper (Lancaster Eagle-Gazette) to as others saw it. I'm not saying it was alien, but none of us had ever seen such a craft. It just hovered there with flashing lights around the center of the craft and was roughly 1000 feet or so in the air. It was rather large to. My best guess would be roughly 75-100 feet in diameter and roughly 20-30 feet in height. 

I wish I knew how to link to a Youtube video (it's roughly a 9 minute video showing showing several "craft" traveling in ways I didn't think was possible) I watched recently about about ufo's over NYC roughly 10 years ago from CBS news. It was filmed by a man on the street and it sure looks genuine to me.

I'm hoping we learn a lot from the report, but I'm not getting my hopes up.




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