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Your 9/11 memories.

+7 HS
creekman's picture
September 11, 2017 at 8:32pm

I was at Mohican State Park waking up from a massive hang over from a work off-site the night before.  I was in charge of the Karaoke - and was filled with tall Vodka Tonics until about midnight on the 11th of September.  After rolling through cliffs of poison ivy trying to swim at midnight in Mohican lake, only to be chastised for deciding to swim drunk in the dark....  I was free...drunk.  Proved to be the last few hours of a distinctively different time of my life.

I got up covered in mud and leaves, took a shower, made my way to the lodge restaurant, had some bacon, eggs, sausage, and coffee...trying to not get sick.  I heard the whispers of co-workers, snickering at me...laughing out loud..  I didn't care.  I ate my breakfast and kept it in me.

We were supposed to be in the meeting room by 9, so I grabbed a cup of coffee and got there about 8:35...sitting by myself, hoping the headache would soon be over.  Shortly before 9am, a co-worker came in and said there was a plane crash in the World Trade Center...knowing I had a few minutes, I went out to the lobby of the lodge and switched the big screen TV from ESPN to CNN.  About a dozen or so co-workers sat next to me as we watched the second plane smack into tower 2.  We spent the next hour or so watching the tv...all 80+ of us, before the call was made to just pack up and head home, back to Columbus.

I picked up both of my daughters at day care and elementary school, went home...and we all watched the world change forever.

What is your memory?

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