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Tuesday Ramblings and Beer of the Week

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YTOWNBUCKI's picture
August 25, 2015 at 9:09am

Good morrow, bros.  It's Tuesday which means I'm getting on my soapbox and posting a weekly thread.

JR Smith finally decided to sign with the Cavs, for 1.5 million less than he could have received had he picked up his option.  I find it funny that the Cavs encouraged him to pick up the option and then ended up saving some luxury tax dollars.

The glorious football season begins in 13 days for us Buckeye fans.  You can be assured that I will be tuning into the Utah vs. Michigan game though.

I'm not really sure what to do with myself next week.  The wife and kid are going to the in-laws to help my ailing mother in law around the house.  Sunday-Friday I will live in bachelor-esque freedom and I'm looking forward to it.

During that time off, I think I'm going to enjoy many of this week's beer of choice.  This week I'm choosing two beers; one is a local Virginia beer and the other is a national brand.  First, Starr Hill Brewery's Pumpkin Porter.  I had one this weekend and it's everything one could hope it to be.  Delicious porter with pumpkin tones and it's a great way to bring in the fall.  For those just looking for a beer to bring in the fall that you can get anywhere, go with Sam Adams Oktoberfest.  Seriously, you can never go wrong with that one.

#DCDubfest 15 will be happening in 4 and a half weeks.  More on that to follow so keep an eye on the forums.

EDIT: ICYMI, Hovenaut backtracked and officially recognized Fitzbuck as being the winner of the gif-off with Alum.  Check it here.

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