Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Misleading Journalism

+32 HS
USMC11917's picture
August 5, 2023 at 11:23am

Read an interesting article on MSN. It's interesting to the point that it makes me despise journalist almost as badly as I do society. The internet is littered with comments and opinions. I also believe those boards are appropriate and designed to spark debate and/or compare your opinions with like-minded individuals. We have drifted so far outside agreeing and disagreeing. Were at a stage of provocation and inflammation. Articles don't even portray or convey the appropriate context of interviews or reporting. It's to the point that you can't tell what is real anymore. Take this article for example:


Don't click on it if you don't want to contribute to it's popularity. I will paraphrase.

Knowles gives a statement to a question about accountability. He speaks about needing to improve and points to where improvement was made outside of the last two games. He makes no excuses and is accountable and states that He will get better. TOSU Buckeyes will get better. Nowhere, does he mention specifically Georgia or _ichigan for that matter. 

The author, Gerard Angelo Samillano, titles and frames this article to sound like Knowles is putting College Football on notice and warning the two previously mentioned schools by me, that we are coming for them. This is purely lazy journalism and sensationalization. I believe it's the age we live in. I also know this is nothing new. I guess my reason for posting is to ask, "Am I alone in feeling jaded toward current journalism practices?" I don't even comment on other websites and particularly only use this one. My participation has dropped off so significantly that I hardly do that anymore. The comment section is always so adversarial. Maybe it's my age catching me or something else? I guess I just wanted to rant a bit and see if I was alone?

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