Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

A Thank You is Needed

+11 HS
40 Degrees North's picture
December 20, 2020 at 1:06pm

This year presented unusual challenges. One day it was one thing, the next day it was another.  

Less than five months ago, the opportunity to compete was taken away from the Ohio State Buckeyes.  Athletes who had a chance to win for their team and their school would not be able to do it.  They could not have an opportunity to better themselves for opportunities after college.  Memories were going to be lost. 

Ohio State, led by Gene Smith and Ryan Day, along with players, parents, and many others refused to take no for an answer.  They stood strong and stood calm.  They fought for the opportunity to compete.  They stood up for the athletes.  They stood up for the university.  They stood up for their community.  

Now, here we are.  It was not always pretty.  There were a couple of detours along the way.  Yet, the athletes kept their eyes on the goals and fought hard.  As a result, they are in the playoffs and two wins away from a national championship.  

Thank you, Gene Smith.  There are things you have done in the past that I did not like, but this is your finest hour in your career.  An athletic director looks out for the athletes.  You did that.  Thank you. 

Thank you, Coach Ryan Day.  You have a long career ahead of you, but you will always remember this. You should look back on this with pride.  No matter what you do going forward, the leadership you showed this year will be remembered.  

To the Ohio State Buckeyes, thank you! You guys kept your composure and continued to work.  You could have quit and decided it was too hard.  You stayed with it.  You still saw a prize and you continued to go get it. You now have two wins to go for championship glory.  Go get it guys!

There are many others we should thank, and maybe some that folks would not want to thank but maybe should. 

Now we know maybe how folks on the 1980 U.S. Olympic Team felt or guys on the SMU teams of the late 1980's felt.  Athletes, all of us for that matter, were made to compete and live.  No matter what happens in these next two games, let us always strive to do that.

The 2020 Ohio State Buckeyes will always be looked upon with pride.  

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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