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Movies for a Crappy Mood

+15 HS
RunEddieRun1983's picture
September 22, 2021 at 11:02am

I work from home, and it sounds great, eh? But I work from home, I raise a 4-year old son full-time, and I work a job that while virtual, is fast paced and exceedingly stressful at times.

So in that interest, my mood gets crappy from time to time and to try and help bring back down to a mellow mindset I'll usually throw on a movie. Lately my go too that gets my head back on straight has been Monty Python and the Holy Grail... Other movies I've watched in blocks to increase happiness and decrease stress are Groundhog Day, Step Brothers, and Police Academy.

Movies tend to be my go-too stress reliever of late since I don't have access to much else in real-time. What say you? A. What are your typical stress relievers when work and/or personal stuff gets you down? B. Any movies in particular do the trick for you?

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