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Traveling for business...3rd week in a row. Anybody have routines, suggestions to enjoy travel more?

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Findog5's picture
June 14, 2015 at 11:36am

I am traveling for the third week in a row for work.  Being away from the wife and four kids is really getting old.  Have to do it to provide for the family I guess.  Does anyone have any suggestions for making being away more enjoyeable?  Taking in the local attractions, visiting a college campus etc...Leaving on Sunday and getting back Thursday is getting to be a drag and want to give it my all to enjoy and have a better attitude about traveling.  Tired of seeing the same four walls at Hilton properties and I swear I am following the same guy to every city who insists on clipping his toenails and leaving them next to the bed in the hotel room!!!!

Thanks 11Warrior brothers! (and sisters!)

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