Skull Session: Ryan Day's Fiery Speech, Gee Scott Jr.'s Continued Generosity Towards a Homeless Man, and Chris Spielman's Christmas Workout

By Kevin Harrish on December 25, 2019 at 4:59a

Merry Christmas to all!

If you're reading this on Christmas Day, please know that I'm sincerely honored that you've decided to spend at least a portion of your holiday reading my online words. I cannot express enough what that means to me.

In the nearly five years that I've been at Eleven Warriors, I've never once doubted that my work would be read and appreciated (or at least skimmed and berated – that also works), and that's all because of you guys. 

Thanks for spending some of your Christmas with me. I'm sorry that an abbreviated Skull Session is the only gift I can offer you, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

Word of the Day: Joy.

 HIDE YOUR WALLS. This is a game where no additional hype is needed, but that sure ain't stopping Ryan Day from bringing the juice during practice.

I think it's safe to say Ryan Day is ready for Saturday. And based on my sudden desire to run through the nearest wall, I'd say the team is ready to go, as well.

Folks, Clemson's in trouble.

 MERRY LIFTMAS. We've all got our own family traditions, and it looks like Chris Spielman and his family are celebrating the only way they know.

Those of you who've seen my GAP Kids physique could probably guess I don't frequent the weight room, and I sure ain't going to start on Christmas morn.

 GEE SCOTT JR. GIVES BACK. If holiday workouts aren't really the sort of thing to get you in the Christmas spirit, I pretty much guarantee you this will do it.

For those of you who don't know, the man in the video is a homeless Buckeye die-hard named Jerry who Gee Scott Jr. befriended after Jerry saved up money and made multiple trips to watch him play.

The two now have a strong bond to the point that Scott even had his in-home visit with Ohio State receiver's coach Brian Hartline at Jerry's tent city instead of his own home.

If you haven't read the full story of their relationship, Christmas is a wonderful day to do it. My pal Zack did a wonderful job with it.

 NOT STICKING TO SPORTS. A man is arrested for passing out marijuana because it was Christmas... A bearded man robs a bank, then yells "Merry Christmas"... Why so many Japanese children refuse to go to school... What happens to meat when you freeze it for 35,000 years... Michigan contractor demolishes the wrong home again... A woman tries to set her boyfriend on fire after he doesn't celebrate her getting hired at Subway.