By D.J. Byrnes on January 17, 2014 at 11:33a

Brady Hoke was in East Lansing today as part of a Michigan high school coaches conference. Among advocating playing football with the proper technique — has there ever been a coach that's advocated against technique? — was a great story about anti-technology guru Brady Hoke.

The original tweet by Mark Snyder was deleted because Snyder felt people were using something light-hearted to mock Brady Hoke. We here at Eleven Warriors aren't above poking Michigan Men with a stick — or beating them with a pole — but this is the internet, and this story must live on forever:

This is the perfect Brady Hoke anecdote. Stuck in his own hubris regarding technology, he'd rather make it seem like he's angrily screaming at family members and (presumably) recruits instead of looking for the caps lock function on his phone. 

May Brady Hoke reign over Michigan football for another 300 years and 1,500 losses.