Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

The Sky is Falling! (For the College Football World)

+21 HS
YugoBuck's picture
November 6, 2022 at 8:22am

Okay, I’m a self-admitted sunshine pumper, much like Kevin Bacon in Animal House (Remain calm! All is well!)

But even I was beyond frustrated with yesterday’s performance in Evanston. I didn’t care about swirling winds, rain, high grass (don’t act like you forgot), etc. All I cared about was that the 8-0 Buckeyes should be able to run between the tackles every single play with great success against a lowly 1-7 Northwestern team, much like you would in a NCAA video game set to Junior Varsity. 

This feeling dissipated throughout the night, as I watched other teams struggle and get upset. Down goes Bama. Down goes Clemson, TTUN showed their weaknesses against Rutgers until Rutgers Rutger’d (is that a word? That’s a word….)

So this morning I’m putting my glasses back on. We have issues, but as I look around college football, so does everyone else. Do I like struggling in that type of weather? In November? Fuck no. But I also know that the defense is light years ahead of where they were in 2021, and that gives me promise for that last game of the year. 

Remember, all you have to do is make the top four, and then anything can happen. Signed, the 2014 Buckeyes. 

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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