Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Let's Focus on the Day Instead of the Loss

+6 HS
brutusOSUfan's picture
September 11, 2021 at 11:52pm

Today was a rough day for all of us as Ohio State football fans. We all wanted to stomp the ducks and walk away with a victory.  But lets take a moment to really appreciate what today means and how lucky we are to watch a game. There will be more games and more victories after this.

We as a Buckeye community have focused so hard on what a victory would mean but there are so many others we had.

Ohio State played a game in front of a nearly full stadium for the first time in over 650 games.  Last year we didn't even get a game until last October and even then we weren't sure until the day of if we would even get a game.  These young men have been preparing for months to compete for our entertainment on the field. I know it didn't turn out how we wanted it to or how the athletes did but they played until the end.  The defense provided critical stops and the offense never let off the gas.  I personally took off my jersey with 10 minutes left watching at home alone.  We never saw any of them quit.

Twenty years ago we suffered the worst attack our country has ever seen.  Thousands were lost to terrorist wanting to destruct and break us as a nation.  We pulled together to seek revenge on these hateful people in a way our country has never seen.  Life and sports were changed forever but we banded together to make this happen again.

Today was a win as a country.  We honored those who lost everything 20 years ago and got to enjoy our favorite pastime.  The loss sucks but today was more than that.  I'm thankful we got to experience the game on the field and want to enjoy the fact I could cheer for the team I have loved from birth.  We will recover from this and be better for it.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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