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Everyday is a Good Day

+19 HS
Badjuju's picture
July 30, 2023 at 7:13pm

Hey all,

So the football season is upon us. We just got a massive recruiting win. So today is a good day. Tomorrow will also be a good day because we wake up and get to live life.

The football season is upon us, just remember that this isn't NCAA football and we're not going to score 100 points every game. There will be games where it feels disjointed and a bit clunky. Guess what, it will be ok, your still alive and that means it's a good day. If the team loses a game, guess what it will all be ok, because you get to wake up and live your life the next day.

Realize how fortunate we all are that our biggest worries on Saturdays is how our favorite team is going to do, in the end it's just a silly game that has no impact on this journey we call life.

Me personally I have my family, a job I love, and the gym. Football is a privilege I get to watch and enjoy. So when things don't go 100% perfect, realize that in the end it doesn't matter and life will go on.

Now F TTUN, go rip their souls out

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