Anything Else Forum

Anything Else Forum

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Favorite Food in the Commons?

+2 HS
Drackett Tower's Finest's picture
October 8, 2022 at 11:33am

I was talking to my girlfriend this weekend and trying to explain the magic that was Texas Straw Hat. It was just bad taco meat and other toppings served over stale generic Fritos, but that stuff was somehow amazing to me at 18 years old.

That was definitely my favorite dinner meal. The other savior for me in the commons was Captain Crunch. When hungover, that stuff is like eating a bowl of sponges to soak up all the remaining alcohol.

What about you? Did you have any favorites from your time eating in the dorms? 

And as a side note.... do they still have Texas Straw Hat? lol

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