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21 Years After 9/11/2001

+6 HS
Cruiser72's picture
September 11, 2022 at 12:10pm

Today my friends is the 21st anniversary of the gutless attack on our country, and today I worry only for our boys fighting the cowards of ISIS in Syria, but the gutpunch that morning 21 years ago still affects me today, as I recall the hopeless feeling in my stomach back then and I recall doing 135mph up 71 North on my way home, and my wife pleading as I organized my arsenal on our bed, and her scream of terror as the second plane hit the second tower, I simply told my wife we were at war that morning, and then the towers falling and the long wait into the day as I waited for the call that never came, and the empty feeling as I gazed across the empty skies as all of american airspace became empty for the first time in my life, it was late in the evening that I returned my weapons to my armory and about the same time that a nut in Washington thought he would introduce chemicals into the mix as Anthrax was mailed around the country.......  IT WAS A LONG WEEK AHEAD.....  AND I FEEL AMERICA HAS YET TO RECOVER ................  GOD BLESS EVERY BUCKEYE AND EVERY AMERICAN WHO CHOSE TO FIGHT BACK !

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