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Are a La Carte Individual Channel Subscriptions Via the Internet the Future of Television?

+1 HS
LCT's picture
September 14, 2018 at 4:02pm

I think the answer is yes based on that streaming TV prices are creeping upward as demand continues to climb but I'm interested in what The Horde thinks on this.  As I understand it a la carte programming doesn't exist today due to how the industry is regulated but that can/will(?) change.

The online-only television bundles that have lured away cable-TV customers with rock-bottom prices might not stay that low for long.

AT&T Inc.’s DirecTV Now streaming service recently raised its basic channel plan by $5 over the summer, bringing its starting monthly cost to $40. Chief Executive Randall Stephenson this week said the company is considering additional price increases for the service.

“We moved the price up and, being a very price-sensitive market, we fully expected to see a considerable number of customers drop off,” Mr. Stephenson said in an interview Wednesday. “We haven’t seen that. The consumers, it’s obvious that they’re finding value in the platform.”


Market leader SlingTV this summer raised the price of its basic package by $5 to $25 a month, with its owner Dish Network Inc. blaming higher channel programming fees.

“Our team works hard to negotiate fair programming deals, with the goal of keeping your price as low as possible,” Dish executive Warren Schlichting said in a blog post. “Programming fees, however, only go one direction, and that’s up!”


. . . still more:

Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube TV service, which carries cable channels and went live last year at $35 a month, raised its monthly price to $40 earlier this year after it tacked on additional channels like TNT and TBS.

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