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Anything Else Forum

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Buckeye Alumni/Fan Clubs Around The Country

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milhouse4588's picture
July 5, 2018 at 3:39pm

I haven't seen anything like this on the forum or this site (please let me know if this exists already), but having a resource to find Alumni Groups, fan clubs, even just groups of friends that get together to watch Buckeye games around the country could be helpful for those traveling or in a new city as the summer comes to a close. I know finding my Buckeye group here in Atlanta made Saturdays WAY more fun.

That being said, let's try to keep this to a specific format in order to decrease confusion:

In the comments post the city you live in, the name of your group (if you have one), where you watch games, and a link to any social media sites if you have them. That way it'll be an easy Control + F to find the city you're in to help you find fellow Buckeyes for game days.

I'll go first:

Atlanta - Young Buckeyes of Atlanta - Whitehall Tavern -

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