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Monday Meltdown - Where is Alum?

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Jumar's picture
January 4, 2016 at 9:00am

It seems that Alum has been abducted yet again and there is no telling when he may return. Hopefully he is not being probed too much, and will be able to return to us in one piece sometime soon. The big question is whether he will return even more socially awkward.

Fiesta Bowl

The Bucks did a pretty good job of stomping the domers and showing how irrelevant they have been. It would have been great to see Bosa a bit more, but it was the right call. It was nice to see the offense moving the ball unlike that horrendous game at home awhile back. However, why did they get away from giving the ball to Zeke? Spielman is a great announcer and it was great to hear him calling for the ball to go to Zeke. Even though the team did not reach their expectations, it still seems like it was a success. It isn't too often that they only lose one game and have the opportunity to stomp TTUN and the domers in the same season. Congrats to all of the seniors and underclassmen that are declaring early on a successful season.


There are a lot of underclassmen declaring early, and the list will continue to grow. Good luck to all of the underclassmen in their future endeavors. It will be interesting to see what direction the offense goes next year and who will step up on defense. Urban has proven that he works great as the underdog, and I have faith that he will coach next years team up as he has done in the past.


#FireChad - how could they only beat the Illini by two points. That is completely unacceptable. He also showed how immature he is during the post game interview with Loving. Terrible.


The Browns are terrible and will probably make a bad HC/GM hire. The Cowboys will show how inept they are by picking up Johnny Foosball. The Steelers will unfortunately continue to win and draft the good guys.

TL;DR: Alum needs to be returned, it was great to stomp the domers, 2016 will be fun, #FireChad.

Edit: Since Oyster has not created an official banter thread - banter away.

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