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750 miles through the heart of the south

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RileyBuckeye's picture
May 16, 2015 at 10:35am

We just returned from our family vacation in Destin, FL. I packed 8 Buckeye shirts, and since our trip took us through Alabama, I wore my '2015 Sugar Bowl Champions' shirt for the drive. We stopped at a Cracker Barrel near Birmingham, and I got a lot of nasty stares.

Once we got to Florida, we headed to the beach and began to set up camp:

Satellite camp

Over the course of the week, between my shirts and the EZup, we got 10 O-H's, 2 'Go Bucks', and three guys came up and talked football. While ordering pizza from our condo, the guy recognized our zip code, and you guessed it, a Buckeye fan!

There is no nation like Buckeye Nation, and I'm so glad that my wife (who is from FL) got to experience it. But after all the fun, there is no better sight than:



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